
Mixins are a design pattern that allows you to compose behaviors from multiple source objects into a new object. In TypeScript, this pattern can be achieved by combining multiple classes to form a new class. It's a way of reusing multiple class functionalities to form a new unique class.

Let's see a basic example:

// Disposable Mixin
class Disposable {
    isDisposed: boolean = false;
    dispose() {
        this.isDisposed = true;

// Activatable Mixin
class Activatable {
    isActive: boolean = false;
    activate() {
        this.isActive = true;
    deactivate() {
        this.isActive = false;

// The combined class
class SmartObject implements Disposable, Activatable {
    constructor() {
        setInterval(() => console.log(`Active: ${this.isActive}, Disposed: ${this.isDisposed}`), 500);

    interact() {

    // Disposable
    isDisposed: boolean = false;
    dispose: () => void;

    // Activatable
    isActive: boolean = false;
    activate: () => void;
    deactivate: () => void;

applyMixins(SmartObject, [Disposable, Activatable]);

function applyMixins(derivedCtor: any, baseCtors: any[]) {
    baseCtors.forEach(baseCtor => {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach(name => {
            derivedCtor.prototype[name] = baseCtor.prototype[name];

In the example above, we have two classes Disposable and Activatable that act as our Mixins. We then use these to create a new class SmartObject.


Create a mixin Logger that has a method log(message: string) to log messages. Combine this mixin with the Activatable class to create a new class LoggedActivatable that logs a message every time it's activated or deactivated.

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